Episode #32 was a wild one Adjustthemicians (We need a better term stat) this might of been one of our favorite episodes as a group. All over the place and exactly what you have come to expect from us. We talk a tad ab out politics in a very not smart way. We go over the Superbowl and give Mack his congrats he deserves. Long time Kansas City fan. This episode is dedicated to you my friend! Joe shows up with a damn voodoo doll he had made to torture me when he was in New Orleans and its already $(&$$^## working. Charley then shoves it down his pants not once but twice! WTF BRO. Not cool. We need to talk. About a lot of things sir! We go over our internal Monologues and Colleen explains how this came about. Interesting topic! We then just go off the rails. In the best way possible. Enjoy and get with Joe and Charley about our contest. Subscribe and screenshot the best review you can come up with and it will win $50. Post it up on the Facebook Group page for a chance to win. The review can be a facebook page review, itunes podcast review, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play, or wherever you can review and show us some love! Thank you kindly
You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to www.Adjustthemic.com and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!
Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by Kevster. Our friend Kevin aka Kevster used to put out some mix cd’s back in the day. Going to start using some of his samples for breaks etc. Hope you enjoy!!