Episode #156 recorded Wednesday December 21st. Christmas is upon us. Charley & Scott navigate being without Colleen who is on Birthday patrol this evening. Happy birthday to Keegan!!!!! This episode you will get to hear from our kids Ava, Allee, Riley, & Sylas. You will hear Scott slowly falling apart mentally. Its been a pretty upbeat holiday for Scott. Lots of happy happy joy joy. At one point of the show you can just feel it. The wheels are falling off. Poor guy LOL. We have a great time interviewing the kids about Christmas. They always enjoy getting on the mic.
Colleen, Charley, & I would like to thank all of you who listen & provide the emotional support that drives us to meet each week to put this show together. Colleen & Brent are one of the hardest working families I know. It is a miracle that we are able to pull Colleen away for a couple of hours a week. Charley is up and off to work just a few hours after midnight and it’s a miracle that we can get a couple hours of his day to make this show happen. We have much to be thankful for here at Adjust the Mic. Thank you for your part in motivating us to go that extra. It’s worth it!
Listen directly from www.Adjustthemic.com or by typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the innerwebs and you will find us easily. We are on all of the podcast platforms.
Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159
Music Intro & Outro by Lo Presher (Eat @ Joe’s Track can be found on Spotify) & The Maybe List(Tonto Goldsteins Band)
Break : Music By Indium. Song titled: Reflection
Local music submits to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well. Would love to hear from you, have you on the show, market your music and share your talent with our listeners.
Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Would love to cross promote and help any positive causes. If you have a message or a story to tell please reach out to one of the show members. Would love to hear from you.