Adjust the Mic Episode #44 Three Men & a Cupcake Lady

Episode #44 has quite a few less slurs than our Sat night show had. Great fun easy going show tonight! Colleen couldn’t make it due to work but show friend Kathy Hughes Buckoski stepped in and joined us for the evening! Was great having you in Kathy and thank you for the amazing Rum Cupcakes. Superb. Dare I say Phenomenal! Joe and Charley don’t remember much from Sat night. We talk about a number of things. Our kids growing up! Kathy’s daughter just got a new car! We talk about comfort foods among other things. Check out the show and THANK YOU for all of the support! Been amazing and please keep inviting people into our group and always welcome to bring show topics and ideas to the show. You can call us now at 321-567-5159 and can leave a voice mail that I can play on the show or respond to etc. Can also get us at [email protected] or on our facebook group. Note : I remember meeting you and your husband Kathy at the Brix Project meetup now! Thats right ! LOL.

ou can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google podcast, and Spotify or listen directly from the website. SPOTIFY WORKS AGAIN! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Old school local band from back in our day and really cool of all 3 of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #43 This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Soo this happened on Saturday night. Episode #43 was an interesting one to say the least but after listing to the show to edit I must say this is one we might talk about for a while. Recording on a Sat with no kids led to a drunken fiasco which was pretty damn funny and one of my fav shows to date. We had Brent here with Colleen and he came and brought the delicious meat! Brent you are the man! Jordon Mondragon who does double back flips on his dirt bike joined us for the evening as well! We had Joe here for the first time in a while. Well he was kind of here and may have been on a phone call in the middle of the show. Lets just finish this with saying this show was almost called Drunk History : Titusville Edition and also almost called Shuttle Docking Meat Ghost. So maybe that will peak your interest to listen. Thanks to all the callers who called into the show! You were amazing and the first callers on the show with our new system. Waiting for one more piece of equipment to come in and I will be upgraded the way I want for a while. Will lead to a lot of cool things in the future. Thanks for all the people who support us and listen to the show!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google podcast, and Spotify or listen directly from the website. SPOTIFY WORKS AGAIN! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by the Nature Kids and also the Maybe List! They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of all 3 of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #42 : Friday Night Mics : Ruth Timberlake

Episode #42 was a Friday Night DELIGHT. Charley and Scott threw down a show while the kids took over the house and the show partially. We even do some Missed Connections on the second half of the show. Some UFC talk with tonight having some kickass matchups. Charley breaks it down. For the rest of the show you will need to listen to the show!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by the Nature Kids!! They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of both of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #41 We Miss you Joe

Episode #41 is out and ready for your enjoyment. Human interaction is cool and stuff so we all were excited to get in the studio and record some content. Thank you for all of your participation and listen to the show. Been amazing and we are just getting started. As we grasp this concept of providing content to our friends, family, and new humans we don’t know yet we want to bring more involvement to the show. We have a phone line now that I will be releasing soon so people can call into the show while recording or can call and leave a voice mail that we can play on the show and respond while recording. Once we get it tested and ready I will post the # so we can have some fun with it. Also we are planning a future of FB Live Video while recording. If you are good in setting up Video feeds etc PLEASE let me know as I am a complete novice in pretty much everything but especially video etc. Please Please hit me up if you have any interest in helping us get that part of the show setup! Will get done much faster haha. On this episode we discuss Covid some but have some pretty funny stories to tell along the way of what we have had going on and Colleen has some great news about her Job and the Playalinda Brewery Brix Project and Hardware Store. Hope you enjoy the content and please add your friends to our Facebook Group! Lets get to 1000 soon!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #40 La La land

Episode #40. Posted a few days late but up and ready for your Quarantine nothing else to do enjoyment. Colleen and Scott run this show as Charley and Joe are out doing what they can to help during this tough time for everyone. This might be one of the nicest podcast you ever hear from us because well. Joe and Charley aren’t here. When you have Colleen who is an angel and Scott who is just the nicest person ever what do you expect? LOL. Ok I will let you all check out the show and let us know what you think. I had a great time recording it and love having Colleen as a host on this show. Show her some love people for all the hard work she does and is doing! We talk about our lives in the mess of a situation along with calling friends of the show to get there take the second half. Hope you enjoy!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #39 Social Distancing

Episode #39 was recorded on Friday night March 27th. In attendance was Colleen, Charley, and Scott. Joe is doing his part of protecting the show while he keeping busy with all of efforts going into helping those in need of much needed supplies! We need this show right now to record and keep the sanity overall. We hope you are enjoying the episodes that we put out every week. We are trying to get as many out as we can. On this episode we do discuss the Corona Virus some along with Brevard Counties failure to take more precautions. Charley and Colleen explain what an Internet troll is like. We talk about the most famous people we have ever met and we also discuss 6 members of our facebook page. We are wanting to get to know more people in the group so some shout outs were in order. We talk about the Tiger guy that Colleen likes and I tell them to step up their game and watch DON’T FUCK WITH CATS on Netflix! Whoa!!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Aces High Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode #38 Fredrick the Duck

Episode #38 was fun! Colleen, Charley, and Scott held down the fort this evening with a little help from the kids on the second half of the show. We talk reality TV shows we used to watch and still do watch. We talk to the kids and try to see their perspective on this Virus and being home from school. That turned into a Duck Allee knows and Ava saw named Fredrick. So yea. Lets just say we had some interesting conversations so check it out and discuss on the FB page! Our hearts go out to all of the people who are not able to work due to this Corona virus affecting us all. Stay strong and believe all will get better! It will and we believe. Wish you all a safe experience during this tying times!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #37 Covid37

Episode #37. We know we needed to get a show out and here it is! First episode recorded in the new studio. Some great content on this show and we hope you enjoy it. We def are talking some about what is going on in our world right now but we want to get your mind off of it some so we have some other topics we hope you will enjoy. Check it out and let us know your thoughts in the FB group! We appreciate any support and information being shared in out group! With over 600 members know we have a great base of awesome people so share your good stories and be Mister Rogers and be a good neighbor! Stay away from people as much as you can and do the best thing you could be doing for the human race. Play video games and watch movies.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #36 Dukisumalahi

Hello all! Episode #36. We recorded this episode on Sat morning at 8am instead of our normal Wed evening. We left this recording thinking it was one of if not our best yet. The title doesn’t really help you know what this show was about. This description isn’t going to either lol. Check it out and lets us know what you think. We need to record in the morning more often.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are working on getting Spotify going again. I can see the episodes on there but the main link to all the episodes is still not working. Reached out to them multiple times but will keep on it and let you know when it is done! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Our break music this evening is new to the show and brought to you by The Nature Kids! Another old school local band. They did the intro to the Drew Garabo Show on Real Radio back in the day! Used to play at Saphire downtown and Wills Pub on the regular. You will def enjoy! Big thanks and respect to Troy! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #35 Phenomedoll vs JoJo Voodoomun

Episode #35 is alive. Tonight we a fun episode. I will keep this short and sweet since I am tired and it is late. Great time hanging with everyone at the Brix Project tonight! Appreciate all of the kind words. It is a great time and appreciate your joining us for the evening. Had a great time and some great food and beer as always at a Playalinda Brewery establishment! I think we ordered a dozen scotch eggs lol. Ok so the voodoo doll is down to 2 it seems. Someone is going to throw a vote up and see who wins. Both sound so good. Your choice! We talked about Sylas getting to Play Roblox with Denis Daily on uTube. Super cool! We talked about the Corona Virus as well along with some others. Enjoy and thank you again for all of your support. Means so much!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify but having some issues with the podcast showing up properly. Only a few episodes are working on there so stay tuned and we are working on figuring this out! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break by Ian and Scott’s Dad! Hope you enjoy!!

Adjust the Mic Episode #34 Nocturnal Canadian Beaver

Episode #34 is up and ready to go. We have a full house on this fine Monday evening. Show is out early this week and perfect timing because Brent served up some LEGIT brisket for us to grub on before the show. Thank you so much for it and keep it coming Brent! So good! We talk about our weekends, NBA All Star game for 5 seconds, Dayton 500, Our kids and spying on their online content and Colleen brings in some trivia for us! Great show and hope you enjoy it! Make sure to let us know if you can make it next Wednesday to the Brix Project at around 7:30pm. We are heading over after we record the show. Bring the kids or not. Either way come hang for a bit at the Playalinda Brewery Brix Project Feb 26th next Wednesday.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify but having some issues with the podcast showing up properly. Only a few episodes are working on there so stay tuned and we are working on figuring this out! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by The Nature Kids! Hope you enjoy!!

Adjust the Mic Episode #33 Larry’s Furry Valentine

Episode #33 has some great content this week. Favorite stories of the night are Colleen’s story from the weekend and Charley’s daughter Ava telling us about what she has going on in her school. Really good stuff! And then there is the rest of the show. Joe isn’t here. Action Jackson we hope you feel better bud!! We talk about our meetup on the 26th at the Brix Project after we record for some food and beer. Bring the kids. We are bringing ours! We talk about Valentines Day, Furries, and all kinds of stuff. Listen and let us know what you think! Thanks for all your support! Means so much to us!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break music this episode is all about Joshua Keels. Good friend of Joe’s and plays all over Brevard County! Go to some of his events! Has some great music out there for all to hear.  You can find him on uTube @

And also on Facebook @

Thank you for allowing us to play your music on our Podcast.  We really appreciate it Josh!

 Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe, Charley, or myself. Appreciate the hustle and welcome to help each other move our content!

Adjust the Mic Episode #32 Voodoo Monologues

Episode #32 was a wild one Adjustthemicians (We need a better term stat) this might of been one of our favorite episodes as a group. All over the place and exactly what you have come to expect from us. We talk a tad ab out politics in a very not smart way. We go over the Superbowl and give Mack his congrats he deserves. Long time Kansas City fan. This episode is dedicated to you my friend! Joe shows up with a damn voodoo doll he had made to torture me when he was in New Orleans and its already $(&$$^## working. Charley then shoves it down his pants not once but twice! WTF BRO. Not cool. We need to talk. About a lot of things sir! We go over our internal Monologues and Colleen explains how this came about. Interesting topic! We then just go off the rails. In the best way possible. Enjoy and get with Joe and Charley about our contest. Subscribe and screenshot the best review you can come up with and it will win $50. Post it up on the Facebook Group page for a chance to win. The review can be a facebook page review, itunes podcast review, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play, or wherever you can review and show us some love! Thank you kindly

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by Kevster. Our friend Kevin aka Kevster used to put out some mix cd’s back in the day. Going to start using some of his samples for breaks etc. Hope you enjoy!!

Adjust the Mic Episode #31 Joe’s Not Here

Episode #31 is up and ready to rock your socks off as Jack Black would say. We talk about the tragic Kobe Bryant accident. Heart goes out to the families who are involved in this terrible story! We discuss the social response and its a sad situation all around! We also talk about Colleen’s son adding some words to his Repertoire! LOVE that we have this platform to share stuff like this! We also talk about the excellent event hosted at the Hardware Store this past weekend. Colleen and the Playalinda Brewery Hardware store had a GREAT turnout at the Girl Scout Cookie pairing! So many people showed up and the place was packed from open until close! Well played indeed! We also had some conversation about our Saturday podcast at Bugnutty Brewery in Cocoa Village, FL. They were a GREAT time and hope to be up there this Friday as well to see the band Dirty Power play live! I have my kiddo’s this weekend but going to try to make it out there. We talk about the Superbowl and the HUGE party Jared is throwing. We talk to Joe for a bit. We got into the Corona Virus discussion. I think someone said nobody has died from the Virus. Well our non fact checking ways shows that to be not the case. HUGE thank you to our Facebook group. We are up to almost 600 members now and growing every day. I can’t thank you enough for all of the support we are getting and it is showing. We have stickers and coozies on order and will be getting some shirts done soon. Be on the lookout!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. Break Music by Ian Poteet. We said Ian a few times on this show so wanted to throw this gem out there from the previous Adjust the Mic episode run.

Adjust the Mic Episode #30.5 Danielle’s 40th Birthday Bonus Episode

Here is some Bonus content for the birthday girl Danielle Zeiler! Thank you to you and to your husband Brad Zeiler for allowing us to crash the party @Bugnutty Brewing Company and get you both on the mic for a bit on this busy fun filled 40th Birthday! Hope you had a great time Danielle!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium

Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe, Charley, or myself. Appreciate the hustle and welcome to help each other move our content!

Adjust the Mic Episode #30 Birthdays and Man Buns at Bugnutty Brewery Company

Episode #30 was a great time at the Bugnutty Brewery in Cocoa Village this Jan 25th 2020. Joe and I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the Owners of the Bugnutty Brewery Mr. Steve Shannon! We really appreciated the time and opportunity to record at your Brewery. We had a fantastic time and were treated with some GREAT beers! Make sure to go check them out in Cocoa Village @ 225 King St unit b, Cocoa, FL 32922.

During the first part of the episode we sit down with Mr. Shannon and discuss the brewery along with pounding down a couple flights and enjoying every beer he put in front of us. There was some Orbital Burn Porter – English & Suzi’s Red Belly Ale Red Ale – Irish that really stood out for me. Great beers with a great story! Part 2 of this Podcast is a sit down with Shauna’s parents to discuss the new addition to the family Mr. Joe Miller. I must say Joe really has them fooled early on and they think he is great! When I stop rabbit holing the first part of the episode Shauna’s father steps in with a few topics that we will def need to hear more about in the coming episodes. So be on the look out for the Anti Man Bun Association along with the What’s up with all these Cumberland Farms Committee Meeting. Good times with some GREAT people. Thank you to Shannon and your Mother as well! Was great meeting your parents! Appreciate your taking the time to sit down with us and we don’t want to agree but Joe is pretty sweet. Last part of this episode we made into its own. Be on the lookout for Episode #30.5 titles Danielle’s 40th Birthday At Bugnutty Brewing Company.

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunesstitchergoogle play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break music this episode is all about Joshua Keels. Good friend of Joe’s and plays all over Brevard County! Go to some of his events! Has some great music out there for all to hear.  You can find him on uTube @

And also on Facebook @

Thank you for allowing us to play your music on our Podcast.  We really appreciate it Josh!

 Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe, Charley, or myself. Appreciate the hustle and welcome to help each other move our content!

Adjust the Mic Episode #29 Brent’s Meat

Episode #29 is ready to go! The show support lately has been unreal! A beautiful thing. Thank you for all of your support. It means so much to us all and we are having an blast recording these episodes. Keep the feedback coming. Want us to ask a question for us to read and use for an episode? Email us at [email protected] . Tonight we talk about our event at Bugnutty Brewery in Cocoa Village at 225 King Street in Cocoa Florida this Saturday. We will be starting at around 1pm. Come join us! We discuss our favorite teachers so and have a facebook group topic on this so go share in the discussion! Charly, Gnar Gnar, Ben, and I went on a little trip to Melbourne Tuesday night for a Black Flag show. Charley talks about how creepy I was stalking lead Singer Mike Vallely before the show. And I 100% did and would again. Long time fan Mike V. Your Greatest Hits DVD was of legend! We talk Superbowl and some AMAZING news from Colleen.. (It is a good one).

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Our break music this evening by The Nature Kids! Another old school local band. They did the intro to the Drew Garabo Show on Real Radio back in the day! Used to play at Saphire downtown and Wills Pub on the regular. You will def enjoy! Big thanks and respect to Troy! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music

Episode #28 The Show Must Go On

Episode #28 is a dandy. Joe and Colleen decide to take the night off so Charley and I step up and bring a delightful show to you all! We give a HUGE thank you to Linda Powers! Your support is awesome and we dedicate this show to you!

Tonight we troll Joe and Colleen as much as possible. We talk about our weekend acting like kids again down in Cocoa Village. Great times at Bugnutty Brewing Company , Dog and Bone, and Village Idiot Pub for showing us a great evening! We discuss Football, Men in Bikini tops, Charley’s Legs, We make fun of Joe and Colleen some more, We call Colleen while she is at French Trivia and not here. 🙂 Check out the Show and we will be back in the studio on Friday night! Good times are upon us! ENJOY and THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT! 500+ in the group now. Lets get it to 1000!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to iTunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Our break music this evening is new to the show and brought to you by The Nature Kids! Another old school local band. They did the intro to the Drew Garabo Show on Real Radio back in the day! Used to play at Saphire downtown and Wills Pub on the regular. You will def enjoy! Big thanks and respect to Troy! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #27 Mattress Direct Oviedo with Mike Anello

Episode #27 is out and ready for your listening pleasure. For this episode I hope everyone who sees this post listens. Its about a 25 minute episode and is an interview with my cousin Mike Anello from Mattress Direct Oviedo. Mike and wife Alisa Anello took a big risk and it is paying off for their family and I couldn’t be happier for them! Please check out this episode and visit them @ and can also find them on their Facebook page @

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!

Adjust the Mic Episode #26 F#CK the Klopeks with Guest Kara

Episode #26 was a full house with special guest Kara who manages the Brix Project along with the 3 stooges and Colleen from the Hardware Store. We talk about 80’s movies, kidney stones, fat Scott who used to run track and cross country like a gazelle, Charley’s hair, Brix Project is SOOOOOOO GOOD, Kara plays Hoops!, Lets laugh at Scott some more, and some more, Scott is cranky, Charley is happy and I hated him like Hans Klopec himself. Charley was on Pat Garrity level this evening. Joe was instigating every situation humanly possibly with the tightest khaki’s I have ever seen. I think they were dry fit spandex. Colleen had some fun trivia for us this evening. Was fun! We also talked about our music selections and picked some new ones for this week to check out. Some fun choices this week! A big thing we talk about as well is Llyod Have Mercy! Chef Robert Irvine from Restaurant Impossible is heading to Titusville! Check out the show and hear our thoughts! We wish them all the best. One of my favorite places to eat out at in Titusville! We also talk about Episode #27 coming out in a couple days where I get to sit down without two of the stooges and talk to my Cousin Mike Anello from Mattress Direct Oviedo! Great conversation and some funny bits might have come up from all of this. Stay tuned!

You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!

Music Intro and Outro are by Indium and break music this evening is all about Joshua Keels. Good friend of Joe’s and plays all over Brevard County! Go to some of his events! Has some great music out there for all to hear.  You can find him on uTube @

And also on Facebook @

Thank you for allowing us to play your music on our Podcast.  We really appreciate it Josh!

 Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on Facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe, Charley, or myself. Appreciate the hustle and welcome to help each other move our content!