Episode #148 was recorded at Teresa & Charley’s new home & recorded on Sat Sept 3rd. In attendance was Jackie, Kathy, Chad, & Josh along with Teresa, Colleen, Charley & Scott. Thank you for hosting this weekend! On this episode we talk Da Bears with Chad, Fantasy Football, Dating along with much more! Def don’t want to miss a first time appearance with Chad! A great time & a great evening had by all! Thank you to all the listeners who download and listen to the show! Means the world to us.
Listen directly from www.Adjustthemic.com or by typing in Adjust the Mic in any search engine across the innerwebs and you will find us easily. We are on all of the podcast platforms.
Call & leave a voice mail at 321-567-5159
Music Intro & Outro by Lo Presher (Eat @ Joe’s Track can be found on Spotify) & The Maybe List.
Break Music by: Indium : Burden
Local music submits to [email protected]. You can message me on Facebook as well. Would love to hear from you, have you on the show, market your music and share your talent with our listeners.
Any up and coming events please share them in our Facebook group. Any FB live events? Would love to cross promote and help any positive causes. If you have a message or a story to tell please reach out to one of the show members. Would love to hear from you.