Episode #12 is up and ready for your enjoyment. I am not going to go into too many details on this one because it is almost 1am and I am very ready for bed. Joe, Charley, and I read off and answer some questions from the Facebook group. Was fun and please ask anytime you want and we will give you a shout out and read your question. We talked about our weekends and the great time I had at the 10 year anniversary in Downtown Orlando for the Tom and Dan Podcast. We wouldn’t be sitting here recording today if it wasn’t for their comedy and entertainment over the years. So a huge congrats to all who are involved with A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan. Legends! We look forward to the next 10 years of content! Thank you. Our friend Lauren helps with a twist on the creeper stories. I think we have a new bit in the works! Hope you enjoy the show!
You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to www.Adjustthemic.com and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. We are also now on Spotify! So you can type in Adjust the Mic almost anywhere and find us easily. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!
Music this week by The Maybe List. Our long time friend Tonto Goldstein was in an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of him to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!
Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid