Episode #11. This episode I will liken to a Soap Opera. A roller coaster of emotions and listening to Charley and Joe act like they know what a good comedy movie is. I have a bad foot again and they make sure you hear all about it don’t worry. We discussed a wide range of topics and really had some fun on this episode. We talk about our weekends, the direction of the show is brought up. I get made fun of again when away from the mic. I have to try and mute their asses so I can talk about the Magic for once. But NOOOOOOOO. Charley is developing a new direction with his positive news stories. Wants to focus on it being more locally based as well. So if you have a good story please let Charley know! Also Joe is going to be keeping an eye out on the local music scene. Much more as well so check it out and give us some feedback. BTW If you want a sticker sent out if you aren’t local let me know and I will get one in the mail to you. Also we will be ordering shirts coming up as well before long. So be on the look out.
You can listen to us anywhere you listen to your podcast. Go to www.Adjustthemic.com and can subscribe to itunes, stitcher, google play or listen directly from the website. Hope you enjoy the show tonight. Had a great time recording it for you!
Music by Indium. They are an old school local band from back in our day and really cool of them to allow us to use their music! Any local music can be submitted to [email protected] or message me on facebook and we will play and plug your music. You can also reach out to Joe Miller as he will be handing and trying to help promote all local music!
Beats are created by: DAViD
DAViD has some legit talent.
Check out some of his full songs @alittlebitofdavid